Example. The href attribute specifies the link's destination: <a href="http://www. w3schools.com">Visit W3Schools</a>. Try it yourself » .
HTML HREF - HTML Code Tutorial
Attribute for <A ...> HREF = "URL". HREF indicates the URL being linked to. HREF makes the anchor into a link. So, for example, this tag creates a link to .
http://www.htmlcodetutorial.com/linking/_A_HREF.htmlWhen the A element's href attribute is set, the element defines a source anchor for a link that may be activated by the user to retrieve a Web resource. The source .
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A markup language used to structure text and multimedia documents and to set up hypertext links between documents, used extensively on the World Wide Web .
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Facebook Badge START --><a href="http://es- is on Facebook. To connect with <! -- Facebook Badge START --><a href="http://es-, sign up for Facebook today.
http://www.facebook.com/pages/-Facebook-Badge-START-a-hrefhttpes-/123997760963438<a href="http://www.w3schools.com">Visit W3Schools.com!</a> . The most important attribute of the <a> element is the href attribute, which indicates the link's .
The most important attribute of the <a> element is the href attribute, which indicates the link's destination. . The href attribute specifies the destination of a link.
http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_links.aspoption to use <a href="#"> for "nolink" items to not break other ...
special menu items is designed right now so that it renders a "nolink" as a <span >. this causes other modules that rely on an <a href="..."> menu .