glossary of old akkadian - Oriental Institute - University of Chicago
texts, and the secondary sources, consisting of Akkadian loan words in. Sumerian and of . A. U. Pope, A Survey of Persian Art from Prehistoric. Times to the .
doubt the Greek words in Daniel are irrelevant for dating, the Persian words in Daniel are mostly old Persian loan-words (some with Akkadian backgrounds), .
http://www.phc.edu/UserFiles/File/_Other%20Projects/Global%20Journal/7-3/Rhodes%20for%20vol%207%20no%203.pdfON THE CURRENT STATE OF ELAMITE LEXICOGRAPHY Ran ...
along the following lines: general number of lexemes (minus certain derivatives and compounds) and separation of loanwords (Sumerian, Akkadian, Old Iranian, .
Professor Kathleen Abraham Journals
An Inheritance Division Among Judeans in Babylonia from the Early Persian Period. . Forthcoming, Aramaic Loanwords in Akkadian A Reassessment of the .
http://www.biu.ac.il/faculty/abrahk/publ.htmlThe linguistic sweep of his publications encompasses Akkadian, Ugaritic, Aramaic, Hebrew, Phoenician, Nabataean, Palmyrene, Iranian loan-words, the .
Linguistic Dating of Biblical Texts - Equinox - Books - Book Details
. period, Qumran and Mishnaic Hebrew, the Hebrew language of Ben Sira and Bar Kochba, and also Egyptian, Akkadian, Persian and Greek loanwords.
http://www.equinoxpub.com/equinox/books/showbook.asp?bkid=139Akkadian language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A fair number of Akkadian loan words survive in the Mesopotamian Neo . and bilinguals, in particular Old Persian-Akkadian bilinguals, were of great help.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akkadian_languageAnother possibility would be to derive the Persian word from Akkadian maqqu,. " libation bowl", attested also as a loanword in Elamite, from which language it .
The Aramaic of Daniel K. A. Kitchen - BiblicalStudies.org.uk
foreign loan-words in Biblical Aramaic. These are attributable to Hebrew, Akkadian, Persian and Greek sources. Hebraisms in Biblical Aramaic require no .
http://www.biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/daniel_kitchen.pdfThe Elamite Spellings of Old Persian Month-Names - Digilander libero
this name, meaning the rising of the sun, sunrise in Akkadian, appears in lines . not relevant here, although it is noteworthy that Old Persian loan-words were .