Clifford Chance | Tax news implementation of the AIFM Directive
Oct 4, 2012 . Tax news implementation of the AIFM Directive . This bill (n°6471) has been submitted to the Luxembourg . Download Full Report .
http://www.cliffordchance.com/publicationviews/publications/2012/10/tax_news_implementationoftheaifmdirective.htmlJun 9, 2012 . Download the map · News · AIFM Directive implementation: New Luxembourg tax measures aimed for the PE industry. Draft law n°6471 has been submitted to Luxembourg Parliament on 24 August 2012, aiming to implement .
The draft law 6471 (the Bill) transposing Directive 2011/61/EC of the European . Luxembourg draft law for the transposition of the AIFM Directive - New form of . type download file download file download file download file download file .
http://www.wildgen.lu/publicationshere - Brucher Thieltgen & Partners
Sep 17, 2012 . With the bill of law n° 6471 (hereafter the Bill of Law), Luxembourg intends . Alternative Investment Funds Manager (hereafter an AIFM and .
http://www.brucherlaw.lu/fileadmin/media/downloads/2012/20120917_0000_-_BT_P_-_Legal_alert_relating_to_AIFMD_implementation_in_Luxembourg.pdfAsset Management: News by PwC Luxembourg
Flash news: Luxembourg in the race for implementing the AIFMD. August 2012. On 24 August 2012, bill n°6471 (the "Bill") implementing Directive 2011/61/EC on Alternative . Download the complete Asset Management profile Click here .
http://www.pwc.lu/en/asset-management/news.jhtmlPathfinder volume 14, issue 6 - Deloitte
Luxembourg 2012 / No 12 on additional temporary measures relating to. Eurosystem . AIFM. Draft Law No 6471 on alternative investment fund managers and: . These publications can be downloaded in PDF format here. For further .
http://www.deloitte.com/assets/Dcom-Luxembourg/Local%20Assets/Documents/Newsletters/Pathfinder/2012/lu_pathfindervol14n6_28092012.pdfLFF Munich ExpoReal Presentation - Luxembourg For Finance
Oct 8, 2012 . Passport becomes available for all EU. AIFM marketing. EU AIFs in the EU. Authorisation . IN LUXEMBOURG. Bill of law n°6471 submitted to Luxembourg parliament on 24 August. 2012 . downloaded at www.lff.lu. 35.