The Worst Gun Buyback Idea Ever. And That's Saying Something ...
Oct 12, 2012 . PETA to Protestors: Harass Hunters. . I'd say something about the exceptional danger posed by PC po-po and their . pk in AZ says: . This just in: 4 Criminals break into gun store and steal $17,000 worth of AR's and AK's .
http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2012/10/robert-farago/the-worst-gun-buyback-idea-ever-and-thats-saying-something/What President Obama Says He'll Do To Your Gun Rights - Patriot ...
Oct 24, 2012 . One of the AK-47s was recovered at a murder scene in Arizona after a drug runner . And do not give them a toe hold with taking away the AK's either because next . This is true. they might as well say that knives kill people. . Esther Mae Egan on PETA wants sign to memorialize fish killed in crash · Dawg .
http://patriotoutdoornews.com/3645/what-president-obama-says-hell-do-to-your-gun-rightsDead pigs, a mutilated goat -- don't read before lunch - Sun Sentinel
Feb 19, 2009 . Jobs · Cars · Autos A-Z · Real estate . Hurlburt Field is a military base in Okaloosa County that PETA just nailed for using live animals to train medics for . Defenders say the training helps saves lives on the battlefield. . No AKs? Spend a night or two in Miami & they'll change their minds real quick.
http://weblogs.sun-sentinel.com/news/specials/weirdflorida/blog/2009/02/warning.htmlAK with optics picture thread - AR15.COM
PO 3.5 X 21 Illuminated Reticle on the AKS-74 and non illuminated on AK-74 . Bronze Contributor. Team Member. Joined: Oct 2004. USA AZ, USA . Penalty, L.E.O. Supporter,Pro Life,Hunter,Anti P.E.T.A.,NRA Member,Shooter,and . ( Lower 1/3 cowitness with rear site on 3 or battlesight, most any 30mm .
http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_4_56/116492_AK_with_optics_picture_thread.html???? ???? ??????? ?? ?????????? « Yekmemar's Weblog
22 ???? 2009 . man aks az makete sakhte shodea villa sava mikham
. salam man terme 2 memari hastam lotfan pelano maghta sayt vahame saze hai vila sava ro . salam ,man pelan va namaha va boresh ,pers pektiv vilaye savaro be .
http://mymoein.wordpress.com/2009/06/22/villa-sava/An Essay on Enochian Pronunciation
I regret to say that I have been unable to resolve this question. Out of the 127 . DARoSAR SOL PETa# BI-EN^; BeRITA OD ZAKAM OD MAIM TA VIV OD D. . Co-rax-o1 chis cormp od blans lu-cal a-zi-a-zor pa-eb, so-ba. LI-LONON K^HIS . DA-OKS KOKASiG OL O-ANI-O I-O-R^ VOHIM OL GIZI-AKS OD DAOX COCASB .