War rugs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Afghan rug-makers began incorporating the apparatus of war into their designs almost immediately after the Soviet Union invaded their country. They continue to .
AfghanMark enables rug buyers to help Afghan women
The women who weave the rugs in Afghanistan are usually paid less than $1 a day. Many sit or stand hunched . Carpets produced by those manufacturers will carry an AfghanMark label, showing a . commission on the sale of a carpet she wove.Also, the . Soviet invasion and the war that followed, the industry collapsed.
http://www.rugidea.com/afghanmark_afghan_mark.htmlWar protest political rugs are a recent occurrence where they were first seen in Afghanistan with the1979-89 Russian invasion. These war protest rugs depicted .
Pak Persian Rugs: War Rug Rugs & Carpets: Page 1
War rugs originated during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Carpet weavers, and Afghan Baluchi weavers in particular, began to depict the various weapons, .
http://www.pakpersianrugs.com/rug_gallery.lasso?view=War+RugOct 22, 2012 . An Afghan rug is a textile floor covering that comes in three main styles: . This type of rug came out of the violent occupation of Afghanistan by the Soviet . The rugs are fascinating and vivid in their depiction of Soviet tanks .
http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-an-afghan-rug.htmNajibullah, or Soviet Puppet Afghanistan Government ... - Warrug.com
Sold to Miss Kathy Guild March 2012 Formerlyu sales status 21 Returned by MKG . Soviet Hand Rug with Red Water Buffalo and Man Leading Two Camels . The hand represents the Soviet-puppet government and its invasion of Afghanistan. The images of the women and children seeking refuge is beautifully depicted .
http://www.warrug.com/warrugs/styles.php?ids=38Oriential Rug Glossary - Roy Maloumian Oriental Rugs Discount ...
Today, Oriental rugs have Abrash deliberately woven into their rugs. . Genje: Long rugs, mostly 3ft or 4ft by 9ft or 10ft depicting diagonal and colorful bars throughout the . War rugs: Rugs woven during the Russian invasion of Afghanistan.
Open and Shut - Chronicle of a Changing City - NYTimes.com
Mar 12, 2010 . During the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the 1980s, weavers began showing scenes . Sales grew after 2001 along with interest in Afghanistan rugs depicting the Sept. . Treasures of Toscanini, Even a Piano, For Sale .
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/14/nyregion/14open.htmlRug-of-War | Arts & Culture | Smithsonian Magazine
Feb 4, 2008 . The cultural story Gold's rug tells is only the beginning. Since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the country's war rugs have featured .