Accolades - Riverside Metro Community in Riverside
Not all dealers are authorized to sell, service, or carry OEM Accessories for certain vehicles even though they are a dealer. We are an authorized Honda Natural .
http://www.riversidemetrocommunity.com/accolades.phpThe List: 5 Under $50,000 That Go from 0-60 mph in Less Than 5 ...
Jan 8, 2012 . After all, there's nothing like the thrill you get from a car that leaps off . We limited our choices to models that are relatively affordable, with price tags of less than $50,000. . supersized brakes, a sport-tuned suspension system, a bevy of . IL Track Tested (137) · Inside Line Redesign (8) · Luxury Cars (885) .
http://blogs.insideline.com/straightline/2012/01/the-list-5-under-50000-that-go-from-0-60-mph-in-less-than-5-seconds.htmlA Guide to Affordable Luxury Uncovering Gems Under $30,000 ...
Aug 31, 2010 . Many premium brand cars effectively combine luxury and value. . a car with plenty of luxury features could cost $40,000 or even $50,000. . is priced just under $30,000, although some see it as a less than a true sport sedan .
http://www.autotrader.com/research/article/71190/a-guide-to-affordable-luxury--uncovering-gems-under-30000.jspChrysler 300C Luxury Series Review: A Global Melange Yields ...
Jan 21, 2012 . Want a big American rear-drive luxury car under $50,000? Are you rather plus- size and need a sedan to fit your 300-pound frame? Then the .
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204468004577168731977596546.htmlAutobytel's Editors Pick the Hottest Cars for 2012 | Autobytel.com
Feb 12, 2012 . Picking from a wide variety of cars under $25,000, $25,000 to $50,000, $50,000 to $85,000 and $85,000 and up, these editors have some .
http://www.autobytel.com/expert-picks/autobytel-s-editors-pick-the-hottest-cars-for-2012-109680/Top 10 Cars Under $40,000- Top 10 Best Affordable Cars for a 20 ...
Jul 8, 2011 . Top 10 Cars Under $40000- Top 10 Best Affordable Cars for a 20, 30 Year Old. . I have compiled a list of the ten best cars under $40,000. Here are the top ten: 10. . Mercedes C300 Sport Sedan Starting Price: $33,990. Let's be real . It has the perfect combination of luxury and sportiness. The engine is a .