And as most shooters are aware, not all .22 ammunition is created equal. . PMC Moderator is the newest kid on the block while the Aguila SSS is the weirdest .
Aguila 22 LR 60 gr Sniper Sub Sonic 50/box - Natchez Shooters ...
It can be fired in any .22 LR caliber gun that is in good conditions. The trajectory of the .22 SSS exhibits a greater drop than that of a 22 LR ammunition loaded .
http://www.natchezss.com/Ammo.cfm?contentID=productDetail&brand=AU&prodID=AU1B222112&prodTitle=Aguila%2022%20LR%2060%20gr%20Sniper%20Sub%20Sonic%2050/boxAguila Ammunition - Natchez Shooters Supplies
Aquila Ammunition at Natchez Shooters Supplies. Colibri . Aguila 22 LR 30 gr Super Maximum HP 1750/fps 50/box: .22 SUPER . .22 SSS SNIPER SUB.
One of the best potential candidates for a defensive round seems to be the Aguila 22 SSS. This is a 60gr bullet mounted in a 11mm case. Overall length is the .
http://www.angelfire.com/art/enchanter/sd22.htmlAguila Ammunition Aguila, Ammunition, Ammo, SSS, Super, Colibri ...
Catalog of Aguila Ammunition products: specialty .22 ammo like Super Colibri and Sniper SubSonic - SSS, 12ga minishells in buckshot and slugs, and .
Aguila .22 LR Sniper Subsonic 60-gr. Ammunition with Dry-Storage ...
. with 60-gr. bullets (the heaviest available for the .22 rimfire) Sniper Subsonic ( SSS) ammo's subsonic speed means it. . Aguila .22 LR Sniper Subsonic 60-gr.
http://www.cabelas.com/rifle-ammunition-aguila-22-sniper-subsonic-60-ammunition-dry-box-150-500-1.shtmlAguila SSS Super Sniper 60gr Subsonic 22 Ammo in Boxes or Bricks
Aguila SSS Super Sniper 60 gr Subsonic 22LR Ammo in boxes or bricks. Aguila is famous for this particular 22LR cartridge. Typical 22 ammos have a 40 gr.
http://www.eabco.com/store/products/Aguila_SSS_Super_Sniper_60gr_Subsonic_22_Ammo_50-1479-0.htmlSAOD Upper w/ .22lr Aguila SSS Subsonic 60gr. - YouTube
Feb 27, 2011 . SAOD Upper w/ .22lr Aguila SSS Subsonic 60gr. . Aguila Sniper SS 22LR Ammo- Neat stuff!by yhckelly3,559 views; Ares Defense Shrike .
Where is the range of 60 grain .22 LR ammunition and guns?
Nov 30, 2009 . I think your only options right now are the Aguila 60 grain SSS Sniper Subsonic and, if you . Speer .22 WMR Personal Protection Ammunition .
http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2009/11/30/where-is-the-range-of-60-grain-22-lr-ammunition-and-guns/Colossic 10/22 Bolt Lock- Aguila SSS - YouTube
Mar 13, 2011 . The Ruger 10/22 fitted with a Colossic Bolt Lock firing Aguila SSS ammo. www. colossic.com/defenseproduct.html.