List of Lycoming O-360 variants - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a list of the variants of the Lycoming O-360 aircraft engine. . The base model. . equipped with a Bendix D4LN-2021 dual magneto instead of two single magnetos. . Same as the A1A except with Bendix 200 series magnetos. . ( PDF). http://lycoming.com/support/publications/service-instructions/pdfs/SI1070Q. pdf.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Lycoming_O-360_variantsattach a Teledyne/Bendix or other dual magneto to a Lycoming engine. . the magneto to the engine in accordance with the magneto manufacturer's instructions.
Bendix Magneto Frequently Asked
If you have the D2000/D30000 (dual magneto) then we highly recommend . The magneto model number (example S4LN-25) does not help us as each . Avoid pulling the airplane around by the prop. . Continued Airworthiness and overhaul information is contained in the manufacturer's maintenance (overhaul) manual.
http://www.sacskyranch.com/bendix.htmTCM quits dual magneto line | General Aviation News
Apr 8, 2010 . A decision by Teledyne Continental Motors (TCM) to discontinue its dual magneto line has the rest of the industry scrambling for solutions.
Slim Line Tach Installation - JP Instruments
Per Bendix Maintenance, Overhaul Manual No X42002-1. If hole adjacent to rotating magnet in magneto housing is to be used for atachorneter pick-up in an .
http://www.jpinstruments.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/SLTACH_INSTALL.pdfEquipment Installation Problems - EAA
Magneto Internal Tim- ing. 3. Homemade . lowing manufacturers' instructions when install- ing systems in . The airplane was equipped with a dual battery system. According to . The "E-gap" for a Bendix mag is defined as 10 +/- 4 degrees . depicted on the Pitts Model 12 fuel schematic provided for ref- erence by the .
http://www.eaa.org/safetywire/apr10.pdfSlick Magnetos - Quality Aircraft Accessories
A Slick magneto is a specific type of aircraft magneto manufactured by Champion Aerospace. There are many different models of Slick magnetos, so understanding the . due to the cost of detail parts as required by the overhaul manual. . the right Slick Magneto, Aircraft Magneto, Bendix Magneto, or Dual Magneto for you, .
http://www.qualityaircraftaccessories.com/slick-magnetosModel: EDM-700* . If no STC enter "None"; Special Instructions. Product . Bendix Dual Mag (both on same side) . It's always there, working in the background, constantly watching over your engine while you concentrate on flying the aircraft.